“..assault on results in states where Biden won amounts to a “seditious abuse of the judicial process.” The Supreme Court, Pennsylvania argued, should not only reject the Texas case but in so doing “send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated.”
Susan’s article absolutely nails the seditious tactics and intent by GOP and Trump.

This cannot be ignored nor fobbed off as some ‘games of the GOP’ as usual BS.

Undermining the Constitution, the Law and our Government is Treason.
Full. Stop.

Thank you. https://twitter.com/sbg1/status/1337212968845635585
Take these lists and Never Forget‼️ https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/1337148205075746819
Great historical perspective on what happens when you incite violence and treason.

Words DO have consequences..
We had a Civil war because of such lies and propaganda.


Read: https://twitter.com/dskamper/status/1337188595078221825
If you don’t know why I have tagged these House Dems, please learn who the new chaos of House Committees will be come 2021.

Time we All remember how to hold government officials to account.

#Consequences https://twitter.com/norberta36/status/1337244119467429890
I don’t think I’ve every felt such shame as an American as to see these GOP representatives undermining our country.

It is sedition.
It is treachery.
It is unethical and UNAmerican.

This is ACTIVE participation in a coup attempt.
Treasonous Conspirators.

Palpable DISGUST‼️
Our enemies are not only listening; they are using these treasonous acts to further solidify actions against the USA

They are using Trump’s words as propaganda!

Propaganda is a Weapon of War.

Please, stop all support for these traitorous AG’s, GOP leaders & GOP House members‼️ https://twitter.com/norberta36/status/1337254060727136264
Right Matters.
Truth Matters.
Loyalty Matters.
Decency Matters.
Words Matter.

We The People matter.

💙 #DemsWillSaveAmerica


We will defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

#GOPComplicitTraitors https://twitter.com/repadamschiff/status/1336790252963303425
Mary is correct here again.

These 106 GOP House members:

Active complicity
Active choice to do nothing
Active choice to support sedition

Actively signed a document that supports Treason. https://twitter.com/maryltrump/status/1337251715570167808
You can follow @Norberta36.
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