So this may be common knowledge, but I'm so excited with how much Marvel is circling the Young Avengers. Lemme break it down.
These are the Young Avengers.
The Young Avengers are a team of capes who teamed up and took on identities imitating the existing Avengers in order to have credibility. They're a fantastic team, I love them very much, and I think you will too.
Let's start with Hawkeye! She's the one in all purple with the bow. Kate Bishop will be appearing as the lead of... Hawkeye! Already announced!
The Latina in the front with a ready fist is America Chavez! She's an incredible heavy hitter from an alternate universe and she's announced in Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.
The magic boy is the adorable and delightful Wiccan! You'll love him. He's the child of Scarlet Witch who is in a show about trying to have a normal life where she seems to have a baby!
His boyfriend (yay!) is tall, green, and handsome in the back, Hulkling! He's part Skrull, parte Kree, and between Captain Marvel and Secret Wars, PLENTY of chance to intro him.
The white haired one is Noh-Varr, Marvel Boy! I know less of his history than some of the others, but he's in Secret Invasion too!
The little Loki looking kid in the first picture is Kid Loki! He's Loki, but younger. Oh no, Loki is an adult... Oh wait... Loki has a time travel series.
Prodigy is giving me a little more trouble for tying into the MCU... He's an X-Men and Marvel is still being a little coy about how and when they will intersect.
Patriots not in those other pictures, but he's a Captain America stand in (remember, they're all fake legacies!) Falcon and Winter Soldier mentions that "the sword has a complicated legacy" and that fits Patriot's backstory wonderfully.
And I don't want to go too deep into speculation (or important comic stuff!), But Kang the Conquerer is a Young Avengers villain! Aaaaaaand...
Anyway, the stage looks like it's setting for the Young Avengers! I love this team, especially @kierongillen's 2013 run!
There's ALSO a lot of seeds planted for the Champions... But they're kind of half-in, half-out of the pool... Ironheart, Ms. Marvel confirmed, Miles and Wasp could happen, Viv Vision (child of Wandavision) could happen, but Amadeus Cho's barely in line with She-Hulk just starting
Oh my God, I forgot that Speed is ALSO a Wanda Child! Brother of Wiccan, takes after Uncle Quicksilver in a big way!
Okay, one more Young Avenger... Cassie Lang is the daughter of Ant Man and already in the MCU! And with more Ant Man, maybe we get her in action!
Tomorrow I'll break down The Champions, I gotta go sleep!
Dang, I missed in a BIG way. Cassie has a new actress for the new Ant-Man movie! So, uh, YUP SHE'S HERE TO AVENGE!
If you like teenage superheroes by the way, check out @ProteanCity an actual play podcast that I GM and play on! It's really good and it's only getting better!
Alright, on to how @MarvelStudios is setting up ANOTHER amazing team... The Champions!
In some ways, this is more clear cut, in others less so! This team gets HUGE so I'm going to focus on early characters.
The Champions are a team that exists because adult heroes can't stop fighting each other and don't do enough to actually help! They come out of Civil War 2 fed up, disillusioned in the previous generation, and here to change the world.
Check out this diverse cast! 😍
Let's start obvious with the team leader, Ms. Marvel! Kamala Khan is an Inhuman (like the cancelled tv show), a human whose ancestors were experimented on by the Kree as a supersoldier program! She's also a Captain Marvel legacy and, uh, is announced.
The Champions have Miles Morales, the one and only Spider-Man. There's some licenses that I won't get into, but Miles is from a different universe (see Spider-Verse) and next Spider-film looks to be going multiversal with other previous Spiders joining in
It sounds like Andrew Garfield and Toby McGuire may be joining as Spider-Mans, so is a new Miles Morales possible? Probably, but again... Licenses are weird. Sony is the big question mark in this. Here's hoping.
Champions ALSO have a green guy, but this one is actually a Hulk. Amadeus Cho is the Totally Awesome Hulk and he keeps his genius intelligence with the Hulk in the back of his psyche. VERY little obvious support here, She-Hulk shows there'll be more Hulk.
The floating synthoid (Vision looking person) is Viv Vision. She's a child of Vision and does all the stuff he does!
If Wandavision doesn't give us Wiccan and Speed, it'll probably give us Viv.
The last two look like possibilities, but kinda weak ones. This next one is a longshot. Yes, that's teenage Cyclops. He's time displaced from another dimension! Here's the problems: Mutants don't exist yet and when they do, we will probably get adult Cyclops, not the one we need.
I wish I had something else I could hang stuff on, but... I dunno. Multiverse of Madness has possibilities, Spideyverse of Spidies has possibilities, Scarlet Witch once removed all the mutants from existence, so maybe she'll bring them back? And bring Cyclops back twice?
To finish out the (original) team, we've got Nova! Nova is a space hero Legacy (his dad was a captain in the Nova Corp who was also called Nova). We've seen the Nova Corp in Guardians and there's lots of space stuff?
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