I’m trying not to be negative, but when Druckmann gets to PERSONALLY accept fawning adoration for his cynical, shiny torture porn after crunching/burning out dozens if not hundreds of devs for his vanity “masterpiece” just for them to get a “special thanks” mention, it sucks shit
This is when Hades, also up for best Direction, comes from a company that forces devs to not crunch by giving them mandatory vacation.

This sends a message to the whole industry, that if you crunch and burnout your artists and devs, it COULD all be worth it.
This is just another feather in Druckmann’s “CREATIVE GENIUS” cap, and he’s gonna spin it into his shiny HBO writing gig for the TV show adaptation of a game that was always better as a movie.

Which makes it worth everyone he’s stepped on, and made miss family and friends.
And it shouldn’t be this way. When we KNOW how much crunch and shit happens, those games shouldn’t be awarded, because it’s the studio heads who get the clout. The devs get the PTSD, Stress, burnout, and a nice addition to their resume.

But Geoff would rather have his big show.
Tonight SHOULD be about the coolest shit the industry did in 2020, when so many found comfort, solace, or a voice in games.

But it was another AAA commercial for how “cinematic” and “immersive” games have become, with the typical lip service paid to “GAMES FOR CHANGE”
Which everyone knows is the genre for games that have POC or LGBTQ themes and characters, but the Game Awards doesn’t see that as “mainstream” enough to care about. Gotta sell it to the GAMERS.

Doesn’t matter how good Spiritfarer or Raji are. Who’s heard of them is the question
Anyway, play Paradise Killer, Spiritfarer, Hades, Raji, If Found, A Short Hike, and so many others that are amazing, deeply personal experiences you didn’t see tonight because they weren’t expensive enough.

And support this indie Cyberpunk bundle
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