đŸ§” Fascinating new research describes a personality disordered trait exactly as we see in the woke. The features:
a) constantly seeking recognition for ones victimhood
b) moral elitism
c) a lack of empathy for the pain of others
d) ruminating about victimisation
2/ This personality construct is called ‘Tendency For Interpersonal Victimhood (TIV)’.
3/ The four features:
1. Constantly seeking recognition for victimhood: Recognition of one’s victimhood is a normal response to trauma, however those with a victimhood mindset also want others to recognize their status as a victim.
2. A sense of moral elitism: They see themselves as having ‘immaculate morality’ and everyone else as immoral. “Moral elitism can be used to control others by accusing others of being immoral, unfair or selfish, while seeing oneself as supremely moral and ethical.”
5/ This is a defence mechanism against painful emotions to maintain a positive self image. Under distress & dysregulation deny their own aggressive or destructive impulses and project them onto others. Whereas the self is perceived as persecuted, vulnerable and morally superior.”
3. Lack of empathy for others: So preoccupied with their own victimhood status, they’re oblivious to the suffering of others. Feel entitled to behave aggressively and selfishly.
7/ Develop “egoism of victimhood”, where they are unable to entertain other perspectives & unwilling to empathise with them. They are also categorically unwilling to view their own harm as their responsibility.
4. Frequently ruminating about past victimhood:
They constantly ruminate on problems, criticisms, grievances. Rumination decreases the motivation for forgiveness by increasing the drive to seek revenge.
9/ Consequences of this personality trait:
Can only view oneself as morally superior.
Downplaying one’s own transgressions.
Perceiving ‘victimisers’ as senseless, immoral, and much more severe than objective reality.
This mindset develops perpetrators who identify as victims.
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