the next time any of you guys that stayed silent like always cause a war on the tl over a fictional character or your fav being attacked i’ll be telling you to fuck off and to get a grip. i’m so fucking sick of some of you honestly, you’re absolute fucking hypocrites.
this just had to be said because i’m not forgetting about what happened that last week and the fucking trouble you all went through. fucking hypocrites. some of you need to either get off twitter or open your fucking eyes.
this is real fucking life. and you’d rather stay active and completely ignore important stuff being said on the tl but as soon as someone says something that you don’t agree about or something bad about your fav your literally the army coming in and attacking.
and that fact that also some of you guys were crying about racism to a WHITE man last week too???? what the actual fuck???? some of you make me sick and need to get a life or something and open your eyes to the real world.
and idc anymore some of you just piss me off when i see you on the tl and it’s always the same select people that talk about the right things on the tl and we have to literally drum it into you about these issues?? and the fact you had the energy to cry about racism towards a-
WHITE MAN LAST WEEK??!! A WHITE MAN!! but stay silent on things like this. i have been wanting to say this forever but i just never wanted to cause shit but it needs to be said because some of you are just absolute hypocrites that care about no one but yourselves.
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