Twitter is not the best avenue to debate complex issues but after today I’m going to try to do my best to speak the brutal truth as I see it.
#1 Trump lost the election. It’s over. Biden won. If there was enough evidence to overturn it we all know it would have been produced by now. It hasn’t because it’s not there. For goodness sakes even AG Barr has stated this. Trump is polarizing. ......
It’s nonsensical to think he didn’t also drive out increased opposition. Regardless, no matter who you were rooting for there hasn’t been e evidence produced by anyone that supports any of the claims that the election was “stolen.” It didn’t happen.
#2 The “national” Democrats need to get their crap together. You need a gut check. If Trump wasn’t a narcissistic arrogant asshole he would have won the election in a landslide. You should be embarrassed that it was even this close. You need to regroup and offer something better.
#3 The point I care about the most. I see too many good people that are being misled by some of the Republicans today. Here’s the truth about this lawsuit: They all know it’s not worth the paper it’s written on. They are doing this to drag you along. You are getting played.
#4 The thing I love and know about Arkansas is that we all have street smarts and know when to smell a rat. Ask questions. Look around. Don’t get played or taken for granted. There are people who are bargaining YOUR chips for their own gain. Don’t let it happen.
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