So a lot of Christians are claiming ownership of Hanukkah by saying that a reference in John (10:22) about Jesus being in Jerusalem at the time of the "Feast of the Dedication" is the ONLY biblical reference that exists anywhere.

That's a really shallow point to make.
It's certainly correct Hanukkah isn't in the Tanach/Jewish Bible. We've never claimed it's there.

There are Christian sects that do include the first 2 books of Maccabees in their Bibles though, so there goes that singularity.
But even if we grant the premise, one line in a story about a festival if dedication says nothing about oil, candles, a menorah, or anything we associate with Hanukkah today.

All of those things come from Pharisaic tradition, as in, the folks Christians said we're wrong.
Another name for Pharisaic tradition, of course, is Judaism.

The oil, the candles, the menorah - it's all Jewish, and it doesn't make an appearance in religious literature until a few hundred years AFTER the Gospel of John takes place.
There's no mention in the Gospels or early Christian writings about lighting a menorah. That's only in the Jewish rabbinic sources.

So when Christians claim legitimacy in lighting menorahs and celebrating Hanukkah? It's all a lie. There's no basis to it, at all.
Any observance of Hanukkah that isn't the Temple service (sacrifices), is entirely Jewish (and Pharisaic) and post-Jesus.

Christians have no ownership of those rituals and any attempt to do them is, without a doubt, theft.
Also, even if they DO want to claim ownership via the Books of Maccabees, if they read those books they'll see that there's absolutely no mention of any miracle of oil in them.
Others are saying, "but Jesus was Jewish!"

I mean, sorta?

But do I really need to explain that he was so anti-traditional Judaism that he went and started A WHOLE DIFFERENT RELIGION?

He rebelled against Judaism. He disagreed with its rules and laws. He rejected it.
Jesus didn't want traditional Judaism. Y'all know that, because you've definitely heard your sermons that rail against our "legalism" and such.

So why now do you want our rituals?
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