Why yes, the state called 'Canada' has several of these under its belt. Wonder if the #IStandWithTrudeau faithful will even pay heed. Here we go:
1) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism via Timmies-guzzling, hockey-worshipping, corporate-bootlicking utter neglect of #INDIGENOUS peoples and their righteous #LandBack #IdleNoMore #TinyHomeWarrior fights. We've much to learn from them, and we've yet to even give them respect
2) Disdain for Human Rights - It's somehow easier to build a pipeline for bitumen or natural gas than provide drinking water to thousands of #Indigenous here. #PWDs live in legislated poverty vice being given support to thrive. @JustinTrudeau would clearly rather we die #BillC7
3) Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause - the @liberal_party treads softly here, but carries a big criminal stick. Anyone opposed to rampant destruction of our environment can be charged under #BillC59 under terrorism offences. For say, blockading a pipeline. Thanks PMJT
5) Rampant sexism - #MMIWG and #MMIWG2S how can it be that thousands are gone, and 👏nobody👏bats👏an👏eye. @NoLore had the guts to say a busload of non-male, non-white crash victims wouldn't get as much grief and GoFundMe cash then got muckraked and death threats.🛎️ count it.
6) Controlled Media - Neither @CBCPolitics, nor @CTVNews, nor indeed any outlet is reporting on the current links between astronomical Covid deaths and LTC. It is undeniable. Almost as if @Revera_Inc has profits to make for @CanadianForces and @rcmpgrcpolice pensions....
7) Obsession with National Security - Already mentioned that kumquat PMJT and the LPC voted for the rights-quashing Bills C-51 and C-59. They friggin *wrote* C-59 and now we have the aforementioned spy planes, spooks and drones. Yep, good ol' sky spies and Stasi-level tactics.
8) Corporate Power Protected - Gimme one example of a corporation losing anything other than $ to one or more people since 1990. Corporations have 🚫 responsibility to society whatsoever. Until they do, we'll never have #LandBack and they'll keep buttering govt bread.
10) Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - Hydrogen (H2) fuel cell EVs are are the future, not battery EVs. Scientists know this, and that climate change is happening. Yet no funding for H2 FCEVs or H2 generation, nor money spent on sustainability to avoid catastrophe.
10b) And What funding is available for children in the arts? *crickets* How can we do this to our next generation, where the vast majority cannot afford art supplies, or music lessons for their child that desperately wants to pursue their passion? None. Zip. Fuckall.
11) Rampant Cronyism and Corruption - Anybody heard of Power Corporation? Both Chretien and Martin sat on their board before becoming PM. One of their subsidiaries pulled in just shy of $2 Trillion last year. Trillion. https://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/26/business/26fund.html
Fraudulent Elections - PMJT got 39.5% of the vote in 2015, but all of the power. And @JustinTrudeau said that would be the last election under FPTP. Dirty lies. Typically when we know better, we do better. But will any @liberal_party #IStandWithTrudeau folx learn from this?
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