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The true story about the day I was attacked by a Demon in San Francisco, Aug 29, 2006. By Daniel Ben Freeman.

First some context: It was Aug 13, 2005, a year earlier, that I learned that I was adopted and Jewish (another story) on Tish'a B'Av, the day that Jews...
...mourn the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem. As I was wondering what it meant to be a Jew, I turned on the TV and saw the terrible scenes of the Jewish community being uprooted from Gush Katif in Gaza. A week later I was also uprooted from my apartment and in jail...
...another story.
But to the day of the demonic attack.
I went through many difficult things that year and since, but this was probably the most dramatic.
After getting out of jail, I was evicted from my apartment, my computer stolen etc.
I got a room by the civic center and..
..pressed on.
I went to bed that night as usual, but was awoken in the middle of the night by the realization that I was under attack by someone in the room, someone on my chest, someone very large, angry and evil sitting on my chest, trying to kill me.
I was struggling against., but it was far too powerful for me to do much against it. No, I wasn't tangled up in the blankets, etc. as some critics have suggested. Nor was I in "sleep paralysis". I was wrestling with a dark shape sitting on my chest. The closest thing I can compare it to is a...
..Dementor from the Harry Potter movies.
No, I had not seen the movie before the attack. It was also projecting a powerful sense of confusion into my mind that made it difficult for me to think clearly as to how to respond beyond the physical struggle.
I couldn't get a good..
...breath and realized it was trying to render me unconscious and toss me out the 3rd story window to my death.
It was then that a tiny glimmer of light appeared in my mind and I knew what to do.
I couldn't say it out loud, but in my heart, I cried out, "Father, help me!".
..and immediately the thing was off me!
It fled to the corner up at the ceiling, a swirling black cloud. I could see it was terrified, the tables turned, I cried out aloud this time, "Father, help me!" and poof! It was gone! And with it, the awful sense of evil, hatred, & anger.
..that had filled the room in its presence.
I immediately turned on the light and picked up my Tanakh and began reading Tehillim (psalms) until my heart stopped pounding and I knew it wasn't coming back. I thanked G-d for the victory in what was probably the most fervent...
..prayers of my life.
A couple hours later, I was actually able to get back to sleep, after being assured by G-d it was safe to do so.
I slept in and woke up around 10 am and eventually went down to the cafe around the corner for something to eat.
When I got back to my room...
.. I turned on the TV and saw live news reports of a lunatic running people down in his car in the neighborhood. I had an overwhelming intuition that the events were connected.
Eventually the driver ran someone over at the Jewish community center and that seemed to confirm it.
The driver was a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan who had killed a pedestrian in Fremont, some 40 miles away, before driving straight to my neighborhood in San Francisco where her drove past the cafe where I was eating, before killing his first victim a few blocks away just...
..a few yards from apartment where I used to live with my then wife years before. He then went a few more blocks and drove up on the sidewalk, hitting a man coming out of the Jewish community center.
He hit several more pedestrians before the police surrounded his car and..
..stopped the carnage.
Gavin Newsom was the Mayor of San Francisco back then, and Kamala Harris the DA, and they immediately started with the lies that it wasn't terrorism, etc.
The media spread these lies and it was only some Jewish bloggers who were telling the truth, that the Jewish community was targeted.
Years later, I was working on my memoirs, and while writing a chapter on that day, I got on the internet for some reference articles...
...and I read about the drivers trial. Of course he got off on an insanity defense, but it was this line in the article that made my hair stand on end.
There it was. The same tall dark demon that attacked me that night was in the car with the terrorist, urging him on.
So, there it is.
You're probably wondering, "why did it attack you? Why are all things happening to you?"
I'll get to that next week.
I'll also post some links to articles about the car attacks that day below.
Thanks for reading and I'll try to answer your questions best I can.
- Daniel.
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