1/ So there's legitimate concern about violence coming from Trump supporters once all these crazy lawsuits are laughed out of courtrooms. Trump's rhetoric, and the accompanying rhetoric coming from right-wing media dopes, is certainly fomenting ample cries of "Git yer guns!"
2/ It's certainly scary and demands vigilance. But if the Biden administration takes appropriate action, it can definitely be contained.

I was a witness to the execution of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, who rose up from the militia movement of the early 1990s.
3/ One thing I learned through extensive reporting on that case was how effectively, and relatively easily, the feds jumped on the militia movement post-Oklahoma City and effectively shut it down.

Clearly they erred in missing McVeigh, but he was a true lone wolf.
4/ The Oklahoma City bombing showed everyone just how deadly anti-government radicals can be. Federal and state law enforcement responded and, as I said, shut that bullshit down. You didn't hear much about militias, really, until Obama took office and the right-wing racists...
5/ ...REALLY started losing their shit again.

So the point here is not to discount the potential damage Trump cultists can do, or how god-awful it is to have the president and other lawmakers riling them up.

Rather, know that if the Biden administration comes in and takes...
6/ ...this stuff seriously, as it certainly should, there's every reason to believe it can be tamped down quickly and effectively.

At the end of the day, these are tough-talking people who wilt quickly in the face of real consequences.
7/ I don't think we'll have a civil war. We'll just have a lot of people shouting about a civil war until they're chased back into their holes.

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