1/9 #Geography #AcademicTwitter is tracing links between academics & supervisors. It's urgent we reflect critically on our praxis, networks and mentorship. Two big challenges for our discipline: 1.) Global North dominance [white, middleclass] 2.) Entrenched + increasing precarity
2/9 This combination is absolutely toxic for many young scholars - my heart goes out to the wonderful talented post-docs out there struggling to find jobs, let alone job security. As permanent FT staff many of us had great mentoring - but we now bear a deep responsibility...
3/9 We're great at talking the talk, but fail to walk the walk. We need to think about not just supervisors and mentoring - but also our the makeup of own departments. Look around our research networks, our conferences: are we really (re)producing a GLOBAL discipline ?
4/9 Or do we honestly still entertain the pure fiction that a TIBG/AAG etc paper equates to world leading research, merit and (ugh) pedigree? Because if so, this insularity is reproducing structural inequalities. All of us hired on the basis of 'top papers' are implicated.
5/9 If we research marginalised groups and populations, are any of those groups represented among us as FT staff - equal producers of knowledge? If we picked up an international grant, how many international scholars led the project, led publications...
6/9 ...or is it more comfortable for us to work with our existing friends and networks...do we even fear having someone from a minority background or from the Global South in our seminars, less their knowledge through lived experience show up the limits of our 'research'?
7/9 Two areas of action: Firstly if we're remotely sincere about 'decolonisation' we need to stop ourselves from reproducing our privilege - and think about knowledge production, hiring practices, authorship and journal metrics - as well as the way we adjudicate as reviewers.
8/9 Secondly, in this precarious discipline, scholars far far better than me - and us - don't have jobs. Collective struggle with respect to working conditions isn't an optional extra - it's a responsibility.
9/9 Even for some of us who consider ourselves ECRs - we need to be keenly aware of when we also stop being the 'downtrodden' or the 'hustlers', and *become* those with relative job security - and relative power. Let's ask ourselves: how are we using it?
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