Did you know?

$68,000,000,000,000 (T)

of wealth will transfer⤵️

in the next 25 years 😳

In this thread,
I will briefly explain:

1. Why you’ve never heard this
2. Where the money will go
3. How YOU can profit bigly

Keep reading...

// A Thread \\\\
1. Why don’t you know this?

- this info is deliberately hidden

- same reason there is still no
financial literacy program
in our schools in🇺🇸🇨🇦

- banks, ins companies, institutional
investment co’s profit from
public ignorance

- big players don’t want you
in their game

2. Where will the money go?

- Wealthiest Gen ever
are Baby Boomers

- this $68T is largest Wealth Transfer
in world history

- transferring from Baby Boomers
(55-80) to their heirs(25-55)

- average inheritance $75K

- 80% of the money goes to
households NW < 100K

3. How can you profit bigly?

- did you know the average
2019 income of the top 25
Hedge Fund Managers was

- they do it by earning
recurring fee income on what’s
called Assets Under Management-
aka AUM

- you can get in their AUM game

Here’s how...

First, don’t quit your job!

That would be stupid

Make extra money first...

Start part-time, learn and work
100% online from home...

Take these 4 Steps

1. Gain sponsorship
2. Become credentialed
3. Level up your skills
4. Get an experienced coach

The best part?

Our Team across🇺🇸🇨🇦 can
walk you through the 4 Steps


~You can even qualify to have
all your Lic. fees paid~

Bottom line?

150,000,000 people in🇺🇸🇨🇦
are un-invested, with no market
investments at all...

and $68Trillion is coming fast...

So do this...

DM one of our $100KProject(TM)
Partners and let’s talk wealth:


or reach out to me directly ⬇️


If we can do it, you can do it!
You can follow @paulhbast.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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