Let's discuss masks, specifically #Nevada's mask mandate. This graph clearly shows that regardless of whether or not masks are being worn, the case curves are fairly similar. This is because #COVID19 follows a seasonal curve regardless of mask usage. See @FatEmperor for more.
@GovSisolak made this statement on June 24, 2020. Take note of where he quotes a study showing that "When at least 80% of a population adopts universal masking, it results in a substantial reduction of infection."

Here is the link to the statement:

Here we can see that Nevada's mask compliance number is 89.24% with 94.48% compliance in Clark County. Looks like #nevada is far above what's necessary according to @GovSisolak's reasoning for the mask mandate.

This is Nevada's current case curve through November 26th. 89% of Nevadans are wearing a mask, and 94% in the most highest populated regions of the state, and yet, cases are still rising.
Here is the Danish Study recently published showing there was no difference between mask wearing vs non-mask wearing. New data is emerging and so our policies should evolve.

Notice Sweden, one of the few countries who did not lock down and has virtually no mask usage is having the most mild response to the virus out of all of these European countries. This is a standard (or even mild) flu season.
I encourage @GovSisolak to reevaluate his stance on this policy. We tried, it didn't work. That's ok. Now's the opportunity to evolve our process. The best way forward is to take care of the vulnerable and sick, and expand hospital capacity if needed.
Businesses should not be extorted into being the governments enforcers of ineffective mandates. It's unnecessary stress for employees, business owners, and patrons. Masks don't work just like shaming fellow Nevadans or closing businesses for not complying doesn't work.
To close,

I think @govkristinoem of South Dakota summed it up perfectly.
Credit for graphs goes to @ianmSC , who I would recommend you all follow. He does great work.
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