A short thread: Abiy & his Nobel prize.

I didn’t nominate Pm #Abiy for the Nobel peace Prize he won though my academic position permits me to do so. But I remain one of those overjoyed Ethiopians, friends of #Ethiopia and Africans who have been delighted for the historic win.
Hundreds of letters nominating Abiy for this coveted prize were submitted by Ethiopians, #Eritrea|ns, individuals and groups around the world.

See this link that corroborates it:

Hence, claims of regret by one or two individuals who bragged about initially nominating him for the prize are just laughable. Sadly, these individuals are primarily disappointed due to their own radical ethno-nationalist politics.
Their politics made them to believe that Pm Abiy would only serve a group based ethno-nationalist interest instead of his care & work to heal a nation & efforts for a national & broad-based Ethiopian cause. After realizing that, they immediately started to bash his reforms.
They continued to baselessly criticize Abiy’s policies & good efforts that had already become transformative for the entire nation. They made sure to exploit every cleavage & ethno-nationalist cause there is to tarnish Ethiopia’s & Abiy’s gains & the promise awaits the nation.
Even more laughable, individuals who claimed to have nominated Abiy started a coordinated campaign to have the Nobel Committee stripe his award, something that has never been done and will not ever happen. That was just a joke.
Their latest & saddest accusation has also been that he started a war in N. Ethiopia. Untrue! It’s all known that TPLF admitted its role.
However, Pm Abiy showed unmatched wisdom, defended & saved all of us from the catastrophic outcome that was awaiting #Ethiopia & the Horn.
What’s interesting is that unlike previous Nobel peace prize winners, Abiy was the only one who had been a soldier and gave a lecture about the gruesome realities of war & consequences of its outcomes. Not only that, since he came to power he made more peace than anything else.
In fact, one accusation that is more correct than wrong was that of what was directed against him from his fellow Ethiopians. And it was that he showed so much patience to anti-peace forces that could’ve potentially costed the country & region prospects for lasting peace.
Thanks to his leadership & commitment from all Ethiopians, however, we are all lucky that the potential catastrophe has now been averted.
Thus, claims of credit for his prize by some are just so laughable & embarrassing all at the same time.
That is why mentioning his award as part of their incendiary campaign is useless. We will only judge Abiy in his legacies. And as we wait for more of his accomplishments, we also remain indebted to his efforts to reign in peace in the country & the region.
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