Ok so if you want to learn how to write fantasy novels by watching The Mummy Returns.

Here's a thread by @Catrionaward and I about why.
If you want to see the greatest love story of our time played out among action, magic and myth, this is the story. Brendon Fraser and Rachel Weiss achieve an on-screen chemistry that has never been equalled.
Evie never doubts herself, is never put down by Rick, and is supported in all of her goals. She never loses control, she is never victimised, and yet she is reliant on Rick, not because she needs him as a man, but because they need each other as a team (at first).
Rick by contrast does his best, never questions or demeans Evie, never suggests she's crazy, and all of their victories come from a partnership. They are deeply, desperately in love with one another, and they combine their individual strengths in order to prevail.
Rick and Evie have different strengths, and as they interact they cede space to one another to be good at what they do, propping one another up and giving each other support. They acknowledge and love one another's strengths, without ever being diminished.
There is no scene that better demonstrates love than the final demise of Imhotep. Ignore the bad CGI, yes it's dated, but who cares. Look at the love in their eyes. Look at the despair in Imhotep's as he realises his betrayal. It's devastating.
You see, I've not mentioned anything about fantasy in this. Because stories are human, they are about love and emotion and hate and despair and grief and regret and joy. Labels - fantasy etc - are adjustment. The heart of a great story will always be the protagonist's emotions.
What fantasy does is allow us to generate new circumstances in which to explore the human condition. To challenge our preconceptions, and to affirm them.

TLDR: The Mummy & The Mummy Returns rule
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