Here are my thoughts on the SI deep-dive into Jack Easterby:

The fundamental issues with Easterby remain unchanged. He's (1) unqualified for his job, and (2) the subject of way too much media attention for someone of his role/status 1/10
It has to be at least somewhat concerning or alarming to Cal McNair that this is like the 4th or 5th time since the day BOB was fired that he's had to issue statements regarding Easterby's current role, future role, and/or background before joining the Texans 2/10
The story about Texans players working out at Mike Eubanks's house doesn't really sway me in any way. That reflects more poorly on BOB than anything 3/10
Easterby apparently advocating to trade Hopkins is a terrible look, but the real issue is moreso the compensation for Hopkins, not the trade itself, and the story specifically states that O'Brien, not Easterby, negotiated the terms of the trade 4/10
This player who was convinced he was being followed - why wasn't there a resolution to this story? He hired a friend to watch a sedan and logged license plates.

Okay, sounds interesting, but where is the follow-up here? What happened? 5/10
The claim that Robert Kraft offered Easterby a "lifetime" contract, and that Easterby turned it down, is definitely a red flag 6/10
If it's true that 85-90% of the building doesn't trust Easterby, then I don't really see how Cal McNair can retain him

I'm a little biased on this point, but the JJ Moses firing was truly ridiculous 7/10
The discrepancies in Easterby's resume are another major red flag. @Cody_Stoots has pointed out this bizarre claim, since removed, on his foundation's website, that Easterby somehow participated in over 50 head coaching searches. 8/10
Did Easterby actually put that he worked an average of 40 hours a week on his foundation's 990 tax return? I know barely anything about taxes and tax law, but those optics don't exactly look great 9/10
Ultimately, it's good that the national media has been pushing this story, between @ProFootballTalk, SI, etc. Hopefully it gets Cal to come to his senses, although it's not great that this is what it might take to have that happen 10/10
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