Cry me a fucking river about “edgy” leftists getting kicked off YouTube, some dumb post about Q being misinterpreted and slapped with a warning, tweets that come with qualifiers.
Sex workers have been starved and brutalized and these Very YouTube leftists couldn’t care less. https://twitter.com/connerhabib/status/1337163860231352320
Also the UK Novara media left ignored the many pleas of sex workers over the years, which is also part of the effort to threaten trans people’s lives. I can attest to this personally. And now they’re like “oh no! How did things get so bad!” while STILL supporting Labour SWERFs.
Sorry, I’m just done, done, with leftists ignoring a community of workers all the whole posturing some bullshit “class solidarity.”
Seriously, fuck off.
The right has always been at this, which means the left’s inability to interrogate its own repressed fascist austerity impulses when it comes to sex work is the real problem.
So little solidarity offered, so little action taken, so much credit claimed.
Sex workers have been taking care of each other - largely on their own - for decades.
No political positioning presents a “natural” allyship, and so few on the left are willing to do the work. And so many are willing to overlook SWERFs in their ranks.
You can follow @ConnerHabib.
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