My dad called us "Yuppies" when we started cycling to school and work because I had my own personal car.
Since March however we are down to a single car household-I use the car on Tuesdays and Thursdays and my partner get the bus to shannon those days.
Now we have to cycle or we don't get anywhere on time EVER!
And we're not alone! Off hand I can think of 2 familes in close proximity to us that have done simular.
Part time WFH has obviously being an incentive but let's not negate the fact we have to live busy lives.
We have simply learned to adapt, to plan ahead and to rely on our community @CyclingBusLmk.i use the car when I need it for work, shops.. but the excuse I needed it for the routines of daily family life was just something I told myself to justify the financial&environmental costs
Cycling with your kids is really fun but it's also frustrating when you have to give out to them in public rather than the privacy of your own car😬
It's also dangerous and anxiety inducing. People can be impatient and lack understanding & believe we shouldn't be on the roads.
But still my 5yo asked me today could we go for a cycle around the city tomorrow after cycling home from school. He ❤ cycling so much and today I was told that what I was doing was child cruelty 🙄 (online so💧🦆) .
I do appreciate how fortunate I am to live and work within walking and cycling distance to work, school, shops and socialising.
And That there are plenty footpaths for my kids to use in the absence of any noteworthy cycling infrastructure in busy traffic areas.
But if you can I strongly encourage you to dip your feet. Plan extra trips by foot or bike and see if it's safe and sustainable. You may find your not as as reliant on the burden of a second car. .
But if I'm honest I just wanted to prove my Dad wrong- A middle child thing!
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