Everyone's briefing on the LPF/gov blockage is so fuzzy and hazy. No one, EU or UK, will say what is rhe ask on how equivalence/divergence is measured or what is the test for unfair competition (which presumablybis same as the one arbitration/dispute procedure would use)
I'm taking as a given (despite some UK briefings implying different) that EU law/acquis itself is not the reference point or the test criteria anymore. That was dropped June/July in exchange for UK accepting binding dispute arbitration
So, enjoyable as the bandinage is about expensive handbags, I am not convinced. The EU's dull as ditchwater guff doesn't stack up either. None of it is credible
Unlike last time with withdrawal treaty when lines were clear and red all of this LPF bullshit is super fuzzy, deliberately so. No one (EU or UK) will set it out
So - are we really to get no deal, have a die in a ditch struggle over something no one has defined? Unconvinced
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