Let’s be very clear about what’s really going on here Amy @Amy_Siskind <thread> It’s been awhile since I’ve done a thread but this final assault on our Republic, ironically by these so called Republicans, needs to be addressed. To steal a line from trump, no really, this....1/ https://twitter.com/amy_siskind/status/1337152318907838467
This may be the most important <thread> that I’ve ever tweeted. Why? Well, no one else is talking about this and it will impact all of US. The “this” is what trump and his criminal cabal are really up to right now. Let’s start with some background that we can all agree with....2/
trump is a serial liar, we all know that. He’s told over 20,000 lies since taking office. But even so, he still manages to SHOW US who he is AND tell US what he’s going to do. He telegraphs things all the time. It were conditioned to “know” he’s a liar, so we don’t listen....3/
He tells US he might NOT leave office. He’s said it for months, many times. He’s told US he #Won the election. We know he didn’t so we don’t listen. He fires everyone who gets in his way and installs another lackey to do his bidding. But we say he’s nuts, he’s an idiot, he....4/
Just doesn’t understand how government works, and so on. You get the idea. Then what do we do, we try to normalize his behavior. The #Media does it all the time. They give him the benefit of the doubt. They make excuses for him. They try to fit what he does in a normal box....5/
But if we k ow anything about trump, we know he is NOT normal in any way. In fact, if you follow @LincolnsBible @gregolear @sarahkendzior or may others, you’ll know that trump is a criminal, a cheat, and probably a want to be dictator. He’s told US that. He’s shown US that...,6/
Yet many people I have great respect for on @Twitter in the #Media and in the #Law are still not listening as trump tells us, shows us what his true plan is. We all know, but we’re not listening. They still try to analyze him against some normal standard. But we all know he....7/
Is NOT normal! For example, now everyone is talking about will he be charged, will he pardon himself, who else will he pardon, will he admit defeat, and so on. Those are NORMAL things. trump IS NOT NORMAL! Let’s also add one more element to the analysis. One more truth. It’s...8/
The Republican Party. Now, to be clear, there are very good people who are or used to be Republicans. Those good people at @ProjectLincoln come to mind. But even they must admit, there has been a branch of their party, the Tea Party branch, the Libertarian branch, the very....9/
Religious extreme far, far right branch, that have been pushing for decades to take away power from the rightfully elected, lawfully elected Federal government. Well before Reagan moves were being made to make major changes in our Democracy. Moves to eliminate any remnants....10/
Of the new deal for example. Allowing corporations to become monopolies. Allowing foreigners like Rupert Murdoch to get citizenship. Allowing mega media mergers. Eliminating the Fairness Doctrine. The likes of the Koch’s investing billions of dollars to accelerate the....11/
Destruction of Democracy in America. Why? For money. The world.s richest people are stealing our resources, our rights, our money, our lives, for their personal wealth, their personal gain. The Koch’s are the third richest family in the world! But they want more while we get..12/
Screwed! They’ve been building towards their goal to turn the entire country into a money making monopoly solely for their benefit and the along came trump. Just needy enough, just arrogant enough, jus criminal enough, to make Mitch’s dreams come true. AND he had an ace up....13/
His sleeve by the name of Vladimir Putin. Another criminal and murderer with just enough clout, power, money, and leverage over trump to make a deal to help install trump ( @LincolnsBible ) into power to do Putin’s bidding. Everyone #Wins at least every one of the criminals...14/
#Wins, but ALL of the rest of US lose. By now you’re saying, yes, but it’s almost over. @JoeBiden #Won and we just need to hold out until January 20th. As a great intellect on here says, “let’s talk about that”, because facts and truth like #JusticeMatters @glennkirschner2 ...15/
Am I truly the only one thinking for weeks now that something still isn’t right? Barr doing all he has done for trump to now have trump dump him, is not right. trump saying he won when he clear,y didn’t, is not right. Now 18 states and over 100 Congressmen are signing onto....16/
A law suit with Texas leading the charge, trying still, with “safe harbor day” past, trying still to overthrow a legitimate election, that’s not right. When the head of the Joint Chiefs has to publicly announce the military’s loyalty to the Constitution, something is not....17/
Right. In fact, something is very, very wrong with what is happening tight now. Nothing has happened before like this in America since the first Civil War. We’ve never been so divided and so polarized. We are a Nation in crises. We are a Nation at war with itself. With hate...18/
Fear, racial tension, economic stress, and lies about our election all being spewed and fomented by trump and supported by 18 states attorney general, over 100 Congressmen, and over 70 million Americans. Let me say that again, over 70 MILLION AMERICANS! So what’s REALLY....19/
Going on here? What is it that they’re REALLY up to? Well, I’ve spent most of my life dealing in facts while listening to and observing people. As a cop, an investigator for 25 years, there were many times when how good I was at these skills could save or cost me my life or...20/
Someone else’s life. That’s not hyperbole, it’s a fact. It’s not bragging, it’s explaining why my skills got pretty food over the years. And this is what my skills of observation and listening and paying attention are telling me now about trump. Keep in mind, I developed....21/
These skills while dealing with criminals, like trump and his criminal cabal. I’m also a student of history. You know, if you want to know what is going to happen, look back at what has happened. Fashion, food, economy, war, the stock market, it’s all cyclical. And human....22/
Behavior can be very predictable beyond that. So what does all that tell me about trump, about his next steps, about what is on his mind, MIT he’s mind, Pompeo’s mind when he says trump will be the next administration, when they open a case against Hunter Biden, NOW! Well ....23/
Here’s what all of that points to and I’m not joking. This is deadly serious. What is going on, in my humble opinion and it’s just that, my opinion, but what I think is going on is this. trump plans to move to the “Southern White House”, Mar a Lago. From there he will....24/
Continue to spew lies, foment hate, try to incite violence, and continue to say that he #Won the election! But he is not just going to say it, he’s going to LIVE IT. He is going to act like the King he wants to be, temporarily deposed from his thrown and forced to run the....25/
Country in abstention, because of a “stolen fraudulent election”. He’s going to run a campaign to get back his “rightful thrown” all the while never admitting defeat and pretending to be the REAL POTUS! AND his totalitarian dictator buddies like Putin will meet with him and...26/
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