So, are we a failed state yet or not?
This keeps coming up on the TL, and I'm really, really trying not to blackpill myself, but between this, the COVID numbers, unemployment, and everything else, damn if this isn't just a reflection of the rot already there, unaddressed for so long.
Point one.
Point two.
It's feeling increasingly naive to think that there's any way President-elect Biden will be able to do anything, even in a compromised form, simply because the system is so thoroughly broken and the admin resources will be spent trying to validate their own authenticity.
Point three.
Point four.
Coming to an agreement here is like coming to an agreement with COVID. You don't. You might be killed by it, or you might not. But unaddressed it will change your life in ways you cannot imagine, even if it's not guaranteed to be direct. Even if it's people you know disappearing.
Point five.
At a certain point, these cannot be seen as unintended consequences.
Trying to decide where exactly that line got crossed is academic. We're well past it.
The uncoordinated response is directly contributing toward the chaos. No one can mount an effective strategy if you're too worried about paying bills or continuing to live. Any actions are left fully in the hands of those with the resources to move them forward.
The social fabric is literally unraveling before our eyes, if you aren't looking away or too worried about keeping yourself afloat.

There's 40 days until the new admin gets in, if it does get in. People don't have resources *right now*. And if there's gridlock?
We won't be seeing the vaccine any time soon; when we do, it's unlikely to be adopted in the numbers it needs to be to be truly effective -- both due to supply chain issues and anti-vaxxers.
On the latter, I won't make any predictions, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that we'll see further radicalization the same way anti-abortion/anti-BLM movements have, with all that entails.

Impossible? Consider what this platform had to do for 5g.
The worst thing is that many of us have very good ideas on what needs to happen to pull us back from the brink, but none of us are in any position to actually see it done or really have any kind of influence or agency.
Back from the brink. Tying back to my first post in this thread, this is where I am at: I'm not sure if that's possible. It feels like any minute, we need but look down.
Ugh, losing my neutrality over here, maybe I should deactivate and grill pill.
Okay, one last thought before I cut this very depressing thread. Point eleven.
I do not like anger. I do not like being a recipient of it, nor do I particularly enjoy being angry. I don’t think many positive things are created from it. It feels like an inherent failing.

But if it’s that or despair, it’s probably better to opt for anger.
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