What an inspiring talk by Rolf Hilgenfeld and what a pleasure to be part of this collaboration!
A very big thank you also to @TatjanaBKL who did the major part of preparing the samples and helped selecting follow-up compounds of the fragment hits. https://twitter.com/HZB_BESSY/status/1337089376313077762
first screen was done in very short time, only possible by @schweden_uwe @FeilerChristian @lennartz_frank @HelenaTaberman @TatjanaBKL helping with the load of measurements. And because of our entire @HzbMxde team led by @ManfredSWeiss getting the beamlines ready on short notice.
big thanks also to @HZB_BESSY and the storage ring team, to make it possible to fire up BESSY II under a lockdown situation just for our experiments.
You can follow @Jan_Wollenhaupt.
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