I'm gonna say something controversial but YOLO. The greatest failure of the pandemic has been medical science. Science isn't above reproach, and this isn't to say this should be easy, but outside of a vaccine (jury still out) there has been one failure after another in medicine
After 1 year of this pandemic, we don't have any highly successful treatments, we are most often using existing drugs in various cocktails. We have had every authority in medicine recommend ineffective mitigation measures leading to cynicism and fatigue with restrictions
we have had increases in suicides, we don't even fully understand why the virus affects people so radically differently or how to tailor mitigation by population risk factor. I am positively fed up with the canonization of "science" by liberals who have convinced themselves
that if cases are rising that MUST mean people just aren't listening to "experts" as if that's the only explanation. I don't really care if you love or hate Trump, Trump cannot will medical advancements into existence. I've bit my tongue for too long on this now
I lost my mom to COVID. When she was in the hospital, they had no f*cking idea how to make her better. It was, quite literally, guessing in the dark. It was verbal shrugging, "we're gonna try this and hope it does something!" nonsense. And you know what? The inability
of liberals and COVID fanatics to admit that we have no clue what we're doing is harming everyone because while the Hospital threw darts at the wall, they barred us from seeing my mom. In the name of "science" my mom had to pass alone, for no reason. If you all simply admitted
that we don't know what we're doing, then there would be no reason to strip humanity from our society in the pursuit of a phantom. Instead, we've kneecapped ourselves before decapitation. We've sacrificed our humanity for absolutely nothing and it's time to admit it.
Oh, one more follow up. I think there's something to discuss about foregoing some liberty for a truly dangerous virus, temporarily. But only if it was/is damn sure to work. The fact that we've sacrificed SO MUCH and gotten nothing in return should outrage us all.
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