A primer on investing in #psychedelics inspired by a conversation I had with @APompliano. 👇
Investors who think psychedelics are just like any #biotech play...don’t understand psychedelics.
Investors who think psychedelics are just #cannabis 2.0...don’t understand psychedelics.
Medical professionals who think that psychedelics are just better antidepressants...don’t understand psychedelics.
Anyone who has spent any time understanding human emotions, the human psyche and the human mind knows that the drivers of the human experience are way more complex than just the biology of our brain.
Next time you see something in your minds eye, think about who or what’s perceiving it and tell me that’s just a function of neurochemistry.
Next time you feel a profound emotion, think about the experiences in your past that triggered similar feelings and tell me it’s just your grey matter.
Life is a function of chemistry, biology, energy and emotion.
And that’s what is so magical about psychedelics. They speak to all of those aspects of who we are.
They are anti-depressant, anti-anxiolytic, trauma-healing, life-affirming, wonderous, transformational eye-openers that can fundamentally rewire our brains and our perception of reality.
Until you understand that, and I mean really understand that...you don’t understand psychedelics.
But once you do understand that, how to invest in the psychedelics industry will become clear.
You can follow @RonanDLevy.
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