2/ The Morocco-Israel deal, at this point reflected only in press statements & tweets, currently differs in form from the comprehensive, legally binding peace agreements signed by the UAE & Bahrain. The Morocco deal also contains much less substance, per some press reports.
4/ The UAE & Bahrain agreements were strategic pivots, pursuant to which UAE & Bahrain have already embarked on relationships with Israel far warmer–and w/ far more intensive cooperation in economic, scientific, and social fields–than cold peace Israel has with Egypt & Jordan.
5/ The entire region, including Morocco, would benefit from following the UAE and Bahrain example and transforming Arab-Israeli relations from unproductive conflict to fruitful cooperation.
6/ It is essential that the Biden administration prioritize encouraging additional countries to improve their relations with Israel, and help ensure that the existing relationships are solidified, in a manner designed to also encourage peace between Israel and the Palestinians.
7/ Expanding and solidifying the recent progress towards Arab-Israeli peace will depend on foreign interlocutors and U.S. officials perceiving the initiative as a high priority for President Biden and it receiving sustained and systematic U.S. governmental focus and resources.
8/ History shows that steps towards peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors can stall or even collapse in the absence of sufficient traction. Morocco itself began less-than-full diplomatic relations with Israel in 1994, only to cancel them in 2000.
9/ Israel & Lebanon signed peace deal 1983; Leb canceled 1984. Arab League's Mauritania: full relations 1999-2010. 4 other Arab states each had then ended formal less-than-full dip relations w/ Israel—Morocco (1994-2000), Oman (1996-2000), Qatar (1996-2000),Tunisia (1996-2000).
10/ It would be tragic if the recent progress on Arab-Israeli peace were to suffer the same fate as did these earlier steps towards peace. Sustained US follow-through by Biden admin & Congress will be key to ensuring peace is this time implemented in a robust and lasting manner.
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