Women are never allowed to own both our bodies and minds.
The right reduces women to a birthing body; the left reduces women to a feeling and objectification.
Neither allow women to be whole, existing separately from men.
To exist independently is to refute claims to ownership.
This is the Cartesian dualism of patriarchy: the existence of women may be reduced to her bodily functions, or reduced to a female mind, a feeling, but she can never be whole.
A man is praised for saying, "I'm a woman with a p*nis," a woman is a bigot for talking about her body.
The real binary of gender is this:

The right sees gender stereotypes as bound to the body.

The left sees stereotypes as bound to the mind.

Both are misogynist.

Together, they represent the mind-body duality of patriarchal thought.
If women were recognized as existing as both a body and mind, men would not be able to lay claim to either: to steal women's identity, or to sell the female bodies of women and girls as chattel under the premise of choice.
We are not an idea, identity, or product for men to sell.
Men want to decide how complete and whole women are, and transgenderism is an extension of male authority: it cuts us in half, divides us from our bodies so they can lay claim to our minds and define us on their terms; in doing so they expose their fear of our independence.
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