Why mecha and robots have a place in fiction, a thread :
this thread is a response to a, frantically stupid tweet. But, despite it's stupidity, it asks a good question. Why Mecha exist in fiction ?
1. Mechs are a wide variety of possibilty in sci-fi and fantasy. Sometimes they even exist outside of that, like in historical or detective fiction (mixed-in scifi).
It's because Mecha is more of a narrative device, and as such, can be used in pretty much any universe which isn't full realism (and even then, they kinda exist). Plenty of mecha anime tackle multiple thematics. Yes war is often here, but it is so much more.
2. Essentially, Mechs are a representation of high scales. They easily conveyed a bigger stakes just by their sizes alone.

They are not just super power or weapons, they are unmissable giant super power or weapon.
3. Mechs are basically machines with humanity. Tanks, plane and ships, has beautiful they can be, are nothing like human. They are efficient and soulless.

Mechs are between the two. Powerful and big, but also human and sympathetic.
If you want your over realistic fiction (which nobody really do) use plane instead. But your work will lack the humanity breath through their machines part.
4. mechs are all about pilot, and pilot can be anyone. Contrary to weapon, who needs skill and able people, mechs can be used, in fiction, by anyone with a little explanation. it can be a connection between the two, learning, or "habiting" the giant.
The relation between a pilot and his mechs are a key part of the "mecha genre". As a superpowers, a weapon, or a friends.

No humans will ever have stand ability, imaginary real friends or magic, and few will learn (hopefully) to use weapon. Mechs are between this two.
5. Robot are all about questionning the future (as most sci-fi work in fact). They can be used as metaphor or supposition we may encounter in the future.

"human AI" are a alienation of us, and mirror to some aspect of humanity.
6. Mecha designs are awesome and variable. It can span from the overly agressive work of Obari, to the round and soft work of tezuka, and the biological monstruosity of Shingeki no kyojin.

mecha design is a delicate work between iconic and sophisticate, machine and human.
Mecha are not just made from metal junk either ! Some of them are flesh monster, like in EVA and gasaraki.
9) magic can replace mecha...

... and mecha multiply the coolness of magic ?

Tell me, giant mechs are cool, magic are cool, so :

-magic and mechs combine are : AWESOME.

In promare, you have magic and mech separate, but when they combine, they gave us : [SPOIL]
10) Mechs are Merchs.

Ok, so, if you want to create an anime in scifi, one of the possibilities are "Gunpla", robot figure that can be sold to increase the revenus of your anime.

It's what have saved gundam, despite it's turbulent beginning.
11) Mechs have inspired people. A lot of ingeneers have become interested in the field of science because they've seen mechs through their TV screen, like people have been inspired to do martial art with dragon ball.

it's not the real deal, by far, but it can help it.
They are a lot to say in mechs anime. why it work, why it's difficult to see a good one today. But be sure. It had a powerful and genuine impact on fiction. And for good reason.
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