People make decisions on potential i really didn’t realize It until this week. If you cannot decide on something or someone unless they change or circumstances change you’re basing your decision on potential.
It’s really that simple, it’s either you take people and situations for what they are now or you do not take them at all. Change does not always come OR It can take years of life lessons for change to come.
The real question should always be, can i deal with this life style or this person years from now just the way they are or the way It is? Will i be happy ? And If the change is needed are you romanticizing the idea of what the thing or person could be or do you genuinely care?
This isn’t to say things don’t change and people never change. This is just to prevent people from looking at things through rose colored glasses this is to aid everyone to realistically look at circumstances and relationships.
Everyone speaks about their expectations and getting let down because of what they expected this is a way to prevent that.
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