You wanna know why so many people are pissed about the royal tour through Scotland Ireland and England. Here’s why.
1: Cost the counties that they visited have to foot the Bill for security reasons and time. So 3 countries in three days plus the cost of the train for the staff the Royals themselves and any support teams needed.
2: Timing all counties are in various stages of a lockdown so not only it shows disrespect for the government officials who set up the system
it also disrespects the very first responders and medical personnel trying to help contain further pain and loss for their countries on top of learning more about the vaccine that is slowing being rolled out.
3: History Scotland and Ireland are not the greatest fans of England for one of many reasons is the arrogance of the monarchy and this tour just further proved that.
4:PR: People’s lives and communities are not PR stunts. And that whole thing reeked of it. It was a distraction but a reminder at the same time of how disconnected the monarchy is from the people.
You want to say thank you for those services during the pandemic send supplies and mental and physical health specialists. Reach out to your patronages and see what they can do in forms of collaboration and outreach.
Get back to work there’s plenty of other royal houses throughout Europe that rolled up their sleeves and got in there. That’s a thank you. That’s honorable and respectful. The tour was wrong.
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