Wanted to share some additional charts on @investvoyager growth over the last year. Long story short more customers, increasing asset growth and growing average account size per customer. Positive progress. Thread on $VGX $VYGVF
Assets under management continue to increase averaging 37% per month for the last 12 months. $VGX $VYGVF
Customer funded accounts are averaging 20% MoM growth with the median at 8% MoM growth. This user growth with be the most important factor in $VGX performance the next 12 months. $VYGVF
Average account size per funded account is also increasing at about 17% MoM. Driven by growth in BTC and the overall crypto market cap, interest being paid by @investvoyager , and existing customers are bringing in more funds. Customers win!! $VGX $VYGVF
All of this is producing more total revenue per asset under management. Win for shareholders! @investvoyager is set for a MONSTER 2021. Buckle up. 🚀
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