Stuff I've learned while podcasting for 7 years:

1) Speak as if only one person is listening. "You the listener," not "All of you out there."
2) Consistency is more important than quality. Quality grows over time. And some episodes suck. Keep going.
3) Put the banter at the end.
4) Sound quality isn't crucial to begin with, but eventually you'll want to improve it as much as financially possible.
5) Show discretionary transparency. Be open, honest, but don't share anything that will haunt you.
6) Know that you will find your voice over time. Be patient.
7) Give yourself a (consistent) year to fall in love with it. If you don't love it at the end of the year, move to a platform that suits you better. (Video, article writing, etc.)
8) In some ways, each episode is a journal entry. It's a way to track personal progress over time.
9) Have a core reason the podcast exists. "Everyone says our conversations are interesting" may not be enough. Be helpful / useful.
10) If you want it to really take on new meaning, see it as part of your legacy. Episodes are letters from your younger self to your kids/grandkids.
11) At the end of the day, it's your baby. The best way to remain consistent is to fall in love with the process. Tailor it to you. Start by implementing best practices, knowing your voice emerges from the rules you both master and ignore.
You can follow @AntoniaDodge.
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