
If you have worn a mask, you do not understand freedom.

If you have worn a mask, you will not refuse a vaccine, even without mandate.

I witness everyday on these social media pages folks who make claims that they will not take a vaccine, even if mandatory...
...because you know, freedom. Yet will strap on their symbol of servitude without a blink of eye or thought in head.

Tell me, as I am more than curious, what makes you believe you will repel such force? Can you be honest with yourself?
Let's put actions and words together, do you put on a mask because it keeps you employed in a fraud perpetuating servitude amongst your countrymen for a peasants pittance? Do you wear the symbol so you can walk into commercial communism outlets...
...(that, until this particular red herring, didn't care if you showed up in only a banana hammock,) without confrontation? Do you wear it because you have a juvenile like command of your own emotions?
The fact is, your scared, your afraid of your employer, your afraid of your servants, and your afraid of the door greeter. You won't stand up, because you can't stand up. Your entire life has been pre-programmed to lean on a fraudulent system, and now, just like every...
...other model of socialism and communism, the system is threatening to remove a crutch you don't really need in the first place if you don't bend at knee and bow. It reminds me of a horse that has been broken, there is no need to actually tie you to the hitching post,...
...just slinging the reigns over it, you have no idea that your actually free, and if pointed out to you, you would still remain at the hitching post because let's face it, you can see the mustang but don't understand his free roaming spirit, besides that, here...
...you don't need to find water or food, it is given to you as a reward.

So, for those of you claiming you won't take a vaccine, tell me, if you cannot stand up to the door greeter, the commercial communist employee, or the commercial communist boss, and refuse their...
...mark of servitude, what in your brain makes you believe you will refuse vaccination?

For those of you who have played along, I hope you picked your favorite color, you will be wearing your symbol of oppression for a long time.
Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. - Freedom Society of the Republics
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