*Thread* Divine Inheritance

Unlocking the Secret Currency
You wait for inspiration to show up,

...and inspiration also waits for you to show up

Like two potential lovers holding back, playing waiting games

Fear preventing them from reaching out
“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working”

- Pablo Picasso

Reality has a way of helping people who are helping themselves

If your friend is doing everything he can to get a job

You're more inclined to offer support

vs if he slept on the couch all day
When he is trying his best

Your energy can assist him in being his best

When he is not trying

Your energy can enable more reason to not try

Our universe works the same way...
Notice how everything has a 'warm-up'

- People pre-game before going out
- Athletes warm up before the game

- Morning routines before the day
- Warm up sets at the gym

This builds up a momentum of energy smoothly

Instead of jumping straight into the deep end
...but what this is really doing is something much more significant

🔑 It is showing the brain the demand

We are wired to conserve energy

We only store 11 seconds of ATP energy, more is produced once we start moving
You don't get surplus oxygen & bloodflow until you start running

Until the immediate demand is seen you will not be given what you need

A business will not produce more supply unless there is more demand

That would be a waste of resources, money, time, and energy
We are wired to conserve energy because once the energy is gone so are we

But there is a problem...

We have MUCH more potential energy than we actually deploy & utilize

📦 Like a business with tons of boxes labeled "potential energy" stored in a warehouse

awaiting the demand
We unlock our inheritance with the knowledge of how to open these boxes

📜 "Ask & You Shall Receive"

Show the demand & it will be supplied

...not quite

^ this is actually the censored version of the quote

The unedited version shows us how to really ask
📜 The Unedited Version

"Ask without hidden motive & be surrounded by your answer

Be enveloped by your desire that your gladness be full"

These 3 steps reveal how to unlock our inheritance
1) "without hidden motive"

Motivation requires a motive

If the motive is hidden our dopamine receptors will not give us motivation

Hidden Motive = not knowing the REASON why you are doing something

No REASON is seen to expend energy, it stays locked in the potential box
💵 If you go to the bank to get a loan

They will NEED a REASON to give you the money

- For a home
- For a car
- For a business

Show up with no reason

You'll walk out with no money

Your inheritance of intuition, inspiration, motivation awaits you

..but it requires a reason
2) "be surrounded by your answer"

When you run, the reason is seen to give you blood flow & oxygen

When you take the action

You are surrounded by your answer

If the answer is "I need to go to the gym"

To be surrounded by the answer is to be in the gym
3) "enveloped by your desire that your gladness be full"

This is to believe

Not the belief it could work, but the belief that it is already done

Might sound woo-woo

But you already do this
When you go to pick up groceries or a coffee

You don't doubt there will be groceries

You don't doubt the store being open

These don't even cross your mind

You just show up.. it's already 'done' you just go pick it up

Amen = "it is done"
Notice it is a subtle feeling

You aren't hyped to go pick up groceries

It's a smooth intention

100% belief is why you get in the car & go

Exerting that energy you KNOW will return groceries

When our desires have this, they are no longer wishes

They are asks, then we receive
You've already experienced your inheritance many times before

- Flowing in conversation with friends
- In the zone playing a sport
- In the zone writing or doing work

Are you asking & calculating the next thing to say?

Or does it just effortlessly flow through you
There was another piece edited out:

📜 "when the two make peace together in this one house

you will say to the mountain move & it will move"

Thought + Emotion
Conscious + Unconscious

⛰️ Mountain = Desire, Goal, Intention
Active Participant vs Inactive Spectator

Who waits to 'feel like it' before they do anything

Seeks enslavement & handing over their free will

🔑 This is why motivation, inspiration, intuition

WILL NOT come to you unless you ASK

That would violate your free will
Only conscious/thinking is weak
Only unconscious/emotion is weak

The two combined is when you have the balance

It becomes a synergistic relationship
Active Participation
Collaboration not Competition

Thought + Emotion
Conscious & Unconscious
Turn your faucet on full force & put a teaspoon under it

You’ll end up with a empty teaspoon

Little blessings are harder to get than big blessings

Your Inheritance is a unlimited powerful avalanche

It cannot land in teaspoon sized hopes, aspirations & dreams
Your inheritance has always been there

Your potential is not to be 'found' it is already boxed in the warehouse within, awaiting the demand

Show up before you're inspired

Inspiration will show up

Thank you for reading

Cheers 🥂
- Yous
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