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This perfect case, brought by a wide range of sovereign states, is positioned to re-establish a bedrock principle not only for the Judicial branch to follow but for the whole of a government operating in service to its masters: the citizenry of the United States.
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Justice Thomas spoke for many conservatives when he noted in Nebraska v. Colorado this most peculiar curiosity:

“The Court’s reasons for transforming its *mandatory*, original jurisdiction into discretionary jurisdiction have been rooted in *policy* considerations.”
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That is a very definite no-no for the Judicial branch, a wrong the lower courts have continued to incrementally implement down through the years.

And it has clearly spilled over into our varied state Supreme Courts.
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It has to stop, and it has to stop now.
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Through adversity, God gives His people strength.

No one can deny this election cycle has presented America with incredible difficulties.

Many of the rather obvious issues we’ve been forced to endure are not organic but totally manufactured. Some, by foreign actors.
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The nation has risen up in opposition to Critical Race Theory nonsense, Black Lives Matter lies, crazed and unscientific lockdowns, along with a host of other abominations, to speak loudly and give Donald Trump a landslide victory.
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America gave him a victory so large, his opposition had to pause vote counting on Election Night in an unprecedented manner in order to have time to manufacture illegal votes and generate the *appearance* of close races in battleground states.
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Their blatant (and shameful) form of election thievery cannot be allowed to stand.
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Providence will not allow it.
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Holding the line in our Executive Branch is Donald Trump.

In our Legislative Branch, it had better be Mitch McConnell but also a diverse range of America-First politicians.

From *both* political parties.

Democrats *must* denounce this craziness.
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But in our Judicial Branch, we should be looking at a 9-0 result.

Standing tall and proud, however, after years of fighting an initially lonely battle against incredible odds, is the imposing presence of Justice Clarence Thomas.
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His position is strong on this issue, it is logical, and it appears to this writer to be incontrovertible.
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For me, the Supreme Court has no discretion in this matter.

As Justice Thomas has rightly indicated, it *must* hear the Texas lawsuit.
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Further, the Supreme Court appears to have no choice but to rule in favor of Texas and those states that have joined its lawsuit.
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Let it be so.

Providence has provided a protective cloak for President Trump throughout his *first* term in office.

May he, and through him America, continue to find favor with the Master of the Universe in his *second* term.
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