Before we jump into the recently released DOJ

“Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) today released a status report”

I would recommend you reread these 2019/2020 threads. It will help with background
I genuinely find saying anything nice or complimentary about the Trump Administration an exhausting exercise but as I have said & born out in my actions:

”Give credit to whom credit due” Sam Adams
This doesn’t mean I’ve some how “turned“ and now support @realDonaldTrump I don’t
November 2019 Trump signed an Executive Order - it took the DOJ until
“Date Created: February 24, 2020” 
yes I know that’s a tiny detail but it’s part of the issue of the Trump Admin
see supplemental May 2020 thread (I cussed a lot)
Tiny details - right? So while it’s laudable that they presented this report to Trump on Nov 25th but only released it to the Public Today - it should detract from the quality of the content because there are a lot of facts in this report
The introduction is entirely self serving but it also acutely summarized the many issues our Native American Communities
Link to Report bc I need to jump on another VTC for my J-O-B damn those bonbons
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