We saw the wonderful #noappleogies hashtag and wanted to get involved. There are lots of inspiring #womenincider across our producers - let us introduce you! [thread]
Tove runs the day to day operations at @BrannlandCider in Sweden, from general logistics to bottling their gorgeous 100% apple juice cider to handling orders, invoicing and shipping. #noappleogies
Chava is one of the producers behind @welsh_cider. She produces live, naturally fermented, bottle-aged vintage cider, with no sulphites or anything else added to it, as well as running tastings, and holding the Welsh Fermentation Festival every summer. #noappleogies
Eleanor is the co-founder and owner of @EdenCiders in Vermont, USA, as well as being President of the American Cider Association @PickCider. She is recognised as a world-leading cider maker, particularly for her gorgeous ice ciders! #noappleogies
Kate Watson is the director of sales and marketing at @Killahora. She looks after sales, marketing, events and social media as part of the family business, providing an integral role in marketing their gorgeous 100% not from concentrate juice ciders. #noappleogies
Sophie McGill from @abelcider_wine produces gorgeous, artisan cider made like champagne in Nelson, New Zealand. She grew up surrounded by wine and has spent years experimenting with the famous Nelson apples to achieve the perfect sparkling cider. #noappleogies
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