Or, OR. The scope of cyberpunk you've personally explored is trite, stagnant, and this analysis is based on a cursory understanding of something you were never really interested in in the first place so you haven't bothered to dive deeper. https://twitter.com/Bernstein/status/1336057944685879301
Is there a brand/aesthetic of cyberpunk that is this lazy? Absolutely. The perspectives of a certain few with homogenized principles, politics, and styles have been allowed to shape an entire subgenre. Does that permit a dismissal of everyone else's contributions to it? lol no.
"Contemporary nerd culture" is only a monolith if you only pay attention to a particular type of nerd.

"The aesthetic needs to be reinterpreted" is an illustrative ignorance of the breadth of the field. It's being reimagined. Always has been. You only miss it by ignoring people
Cyberpunk isn't even my hill to die on but I will stand on it spearing the lot of you for these lazy-ass takes.
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