Since we're debating this again, I don't think it should be mandatory to 100% a video game before you publish criticism of it. The majority of consumers do not 100% games. Many don't even finish the main story.

There is value to "100% completion" reviews but not to most players.
To back me up, there's this great piece from Ungeek that charts single player game completion rates based on PS4 game trophy data.

Most players do not even finish a video game's story/campaign, let alone do everything there is to do in the game!
Furthermore! That this debate has returned around Cyberpunk 2077 - a game that is built on player agency, customization, freedom, multiple character classes, and a sprawling world with optional content is.. odd to me? There is no "correct" way to play it!
I'm around 10 hours in to Cyberpunk and I've mostly been playing it as a drunk driving shooting game starring a loud, belligerent, nightmare woman who steals everyone's guns and never crafts or upgrades anything and it's been very fun!

Fuck anyone who wants to take that from me!
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