Can they do this with 80% receivers? Probably. With parts kits that don't contain something that falls within the definition of "firearm"? Not without actual legislation/redefining "firearm".
The ATF *could* decide all 80%s meet the definition of a firearm - they are only *not* firearms because the ATF has said so.

This is confounded by the fact that the legal definition of "firearm" doesn't actually capture most receivers (case in point, AR15 lowers).
So to suggest the ATF can just decide that all parts kits - especially ones without any "firearms" - is simply wrong. There's no legal/regulatory provision for this currently. Barrels, slides, etc bear no serials (can't be 4473'd) and are not "firearms" (not even close).
We're all about gun safety, until of course the concept of teaching kids to be safe with guns comes up.

The amount of accidental deaths that could be avoided with simple training in school is clear.
It just boggles my mind that in a country that has more guns than people, an individual can come to the conclusion that "you can just keep guns away from kids".

That's an ignorant fantasy, like pretending that abstinence is a valid education when it comes to sex.
Much better idea is to actually teach kids how to be safe with dangerous things. Especially when their contact with these things is fairly likely.
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