1/ Q: What has 126 slides based on 89M code commits across 270k repositories?

A: The 2020 @electriccapital Crypto Developer Report!

A herculean effort by @MariaShen, data infra built by @jubos and @puntium.

The full report:

Some highlights below👇⚡️
2/ There are 1500 new developers coming in to crypto every month!

The number of new devs is growing for the first time since 2017.

15.3k new devs through Oct 2020, compared to 12.6k in all of 2017 and 27.5k in 2018.

Dev growth follows price so perhaps we see more devs in 2021
3/ The total number of active developers is now flat to slightly up (in the noise). Growth from new developers has offset the churn from previous cohorts.

Why isn't the number of *total* devs growing as quickly as the number of *new* devs?
4/ Bigger ecosystems continued to grow during the bear market. Small projects lost steam and many died off.

Number of developers in the Top 200 ecosystems (by network value) are at an ATH.

Outside of the Top 200 ecosystems, devs fell by 30% since 2018.
5/ Amazingly, most developers in the space have never seen a bull market (until now 🚀)

80% of currently active monthly developers arrived in the last 3 years!
6/ Developer momentum in the Bitcoin & Ethereum ecosystems never stopped.

Since 2017:
#Bitcoin monthly active developers have grown 70%+
#Ethereum monthly active developers have grown 215%
7/ Developer BUIDL (hah!) Waves for #Bitcoin (inspired by the infamous HODL wave charts)

50% of monthly commits in Bitcoin Core are from devs involved for 5 years or more.

We are building on the shoulders of committed giants. 💪🏼
8/ High growth ecosystems with 100+ developers (YoY):

#Ethereum gained 300+ developers and is by far the largest ecosystem
@Polkadot 2x'd their number of developers
@Filecoin 3x'd their number of developers
9/ Other high growth ecosystems that more than 3x'd devs from last year:
@NEARProtocol, @flow_blockchain, @avalancheavax, @UniswapProtocol, @BalancerLabs, @ArweaveTeam

See the report for more details!
10/ Ecosystems that more than 2x'd developers: @graphprotocol, @OasisProtocol, @chainlink

Close to 2x'd devs: @CeloOrg, @NervosNetwork, @Algorand, @gnosisPM, @solana, @thorchain_org
11/ The ecosystems in the Top 200 on @CoinMarketCap or @coingecko that grew most in absolute number of devs:
#Ethereum, @Polkadot, @tezos, @Filecoin, @NEARProtocol, @CeloOrg, @Cardano, @OasisProtocol, @avalancheavax, @Algorand

Crypto is not zero sum so this is great to see!
12/ How are newer ecosystems relative to the early days of Eth?

@binance Smart Chain has a faster start than any other ecosystem
@Polkadot has more devs than Eth at this point in their history
@NEARProtocol is keeping up with Eth's early days, can it keep up in year 3?
13/ We expected Decentralized Finance to grow quickly and we saw DeFi growing much faster than crypto overall.

Since Jan 2020, developers in DeFi have grown 67%.

Frequent Contributors (those who commit more than 10+ days per month) grew by 45%.
14/ Some highlights from the DeFi developer explosion this year:

The Lightning ecosystem with multiple implementations is the biggest ecosystem

@iearnfinance & @AcalaNetwork are the biggest new Defi ecosystems

@UniswapProtocol and @Balancer more than 3x'd their developers
15/ The 5 Biggest developer gainers in decentralized finance, ranked by absolute dev # gain:
1. @chainlink
2. @gnosisPM
3. @BalancerLabs
4. @UniswapProtocol
5. @iearnfinance
16/ Indexed to day of first commit for defi projects, @iearnfinance is showing impressive early growth

Yearn has 40+ monthly developers <1 year after first public commit. It usually takes others 2+ years to reach the same point.
17/ There are many many more rich slides and data in the report

None of this is financial advice and price may not correlate with dev activity at all. We just believe developer activity is an important signal and precursor to adoption, which is what we care about most.
18/ While @electriccapital creates this report, it is a community effort to validate the data

Thank you to everyone who gave us feedback 🙌🏼

20/ Our repo of projects is here: https://electric-capital.github.io 

Thank you to the 30 committers in our github repo and many other contributions via Airtable, email, and numerous subreddit communities.

We have many more insights in the full report: https://medium.com/electric-capital/electric-capital-developer-report-2020-9417165c6444
You can follow @avichal.
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