Why quantity should be your priority.

A thread for people who write, design, record music, program, play sports, or express themselves through any other media.
The biggest lie we've been told is that we have to choose between quantity and quality.

Quantity and quality are not tradeoffs. They support each other. Quantity supports mastery of a craft, and quality.

Firstly, by enforcing regular practice:
Today, @austinkleon wrote a blog post about quantity leading to quality (feat. @jamesclear and Ted Orland).

He writes, "The *frequency* of my work — showing up at regular intervals, without worrying about results — has actually lead to better results." https://austinkleon.com/2020/12/10/quantity-leads-to-quality-the-origin-of-a-parable/
Secondly, preserving motivation:

Creative blocks happen when expectations of results get too high for one project to achieve. "This has to work, or I'm giving up."

So, make a lot of projects!

As @sivers would say, quantity prevents the failure mindset. https://sive.rs/2020-05-ff 
Thirdly, encouraging experimentation:

"If you can write one short story a week—it doesn’t matter what the quality is to start, but at least you’re practicing, and at the end of the year you have 52 short stories, and I defy you to write 52 bad ones."
—Ray Bradbury
If we look at history, it's not a coincidence that some of the most prominent artists are immensely prolific:

- Mozart composed 600+ works.
- Van Gogh created 2,000+ original pieces.
- Picasso created 10,000+ original paintings.
- Asimov wrote nearly 500 books.
Dean Keith Simonton has written about the relationship between quantity and quality at a master's level, concluding, "Quality is a probabilistic function of quantity." http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Even masters enlisted the support of quantity to shoot at the moving target of quality
Anyway, this is one of the themes in my book. The premise is that your creative breakthroughs will be driven by quantity, consistency, and practice.

Creative insights come from actions, and then get applied back into action. ♾ https://herbertlui.net/reps/ 
You can follow @HerbertLui.
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