ICYMI: Last week, @MorningConsult published the fruits of several month's labor, a deep dive into carbon removal and public opinion that concluded (in extremely broad strokes) no one has any idea what it entails, but people are generally onboard anyway! https://morningconsult.com/2020/12/03/carbon-removal-public-support-polling/
Just 7% say they've seen/read/heard a lot about carbon removal, but nearly half say they support expanding its use.
@GianaAmador said this is bc "People are just really pro climate action," so reducing the existing carbon is popular even without understanding the nuances.
@GianaAmador said this is bc "People are just really pro climate action," so reducing the existing carbon is popular even without understanding the nuances.
The public doesn't understand what carbon removal entails, Exhibit A:
(Let it be known that a few of these were new to me, a person who spends all day every day thinking about energy/climate, as well.)
(Let it be known that a few of these were new to me, a person who spends all day every day thinking about energy/climate, as well.)
Something to highlight: the more widespread a practice, the more likely respondents were to consider it carbon removal. For instance, 65% said installing solar panels "definitely" or "probably" was an example of carbon removal.
(It's not!)
(It's not!)
“I think we need separate targets” for removals that offset emissions (like CCS) and additional removals (like forest management and direct air capture), @hollyjeanbuck told me. “No wonder the public is confused; I feel like experts are confused about this, too.”
But despite the low understanding of these specific carbon removal practices and technologies, more people support than oppose them. ("Planting new forests," arguably the most easy-to-understand-and-visualize, is particularly popular.)
Expanding coastal ecosystems was popular too, as well as agricultural sustainability practices (be still my college self's agroecology-fascinated heart!).
“Folks are more familiar with some of the environmental approaches that have been around for much longer,” said @erinmburns.
“Folks are more familiar with some of the environmental approaches that have been around for much longer,” said @erinmburns.
Among my favorite quotes, from @hollyjeanbuck: "You can’t look at carbon removal by itself because it intersects with food systems, with energy, and with waste management, and we’re not really trained to think in these systems structures. But we have to learn.”
Thanks to all who spoke with me and helped disambiguate this all-too-complex topic for me! I loved writing it.
( @yayitsrob -- I think I mentioned this piece was in the offing pre-election -- it's arrived!)
( @yayitsrob -- I think I mentioned this piece was in the offing pre-election -- it's arrived!)
Also! In T-35 minutes, @EFIForTheFuture is holding a big ole conversation about some of the more specific and more nascent carbon removal pathways, moderated by @MJ_Coren. I'm not involved, but am excited by its serendipitous timing! https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uuuE1HD2Q4-MhISlYZ9drg