I'll soon be speaking on the floor about our America's endless war. Watch here: https://www.c-span.org/congress/?chamber=senate
Today, the subject is war powers. The hawks and neocons somehow want you to believe, in contrast to all logic, that the President of the United States has the unitary power to go to war anytime he wants, anywhere, free from interference from Congress.
The best part of any debate is when you see people twisting themselves in knots, going against their own alleged principles to get their desired results.
When Congress tried to impose time limits on troop engagements during the Iraq War, the neocons squawked that it would be a mistake to have 535 generals.
Yet, they now say a President cannot LEAVE a war without their permission.

How absurd is that? It’s exactly the opposite of what both the constitution and logic would dictate.
Effectively, these neocons put forth a belief that the commander in chief has virtually unlimited powers to initiate wars but they are just fine with hamstringing and preventing the commander in chief from ending a war.

Hypocrisy, anyone?
Without a shred of embarrassment these neocons happily constrain a President from leaving a war theater while simultaneously advocating for a President that can start war anytime, anywhere across the globe without Congressional authorization.
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