No one trusts the voting system

We should rectify that

"Facts" are flying around and people have not done the proper research

Do the proper research before making specific accusations about the existence of fraud

I have not seen with my own eyes definitive evidence of fraud
The Trump administration has shed doubt on the system and pointed out actual vulnerabilities, but to my knowledge has not pointed out evidence that could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt fraud took place

That does not mean it doesn't exist, just that they have not pointed it out
Circumstantial evidence is not usually enough to convict in a court of law but is usually enough for a warrant

Let the investigation continue and come to a final conclusion about whether or not the evidence to "convict" exists
I see nothing wrong with invalidating an entire type of voting based on procedural missteps or errors especially if there is a possibility of doing a runoff style election in which procedures are followed correctly

This could help re-instill some faith in the system
Questioning the current voting methods should be encouraged instead of "bullying" people into not questioning them
The leaders of each party must explain voting procedures and which ones were followed and not followed and whether those procedures are the prescribed procedures that experts recommend.

If the leaders of both parties don't do this, they should not be re-elected
Claiming ignorance is not an excuse in this case
There are many voting procedures that are in question, that the experts do not recommend

Even if fraud has not taken place both parties need to explain this to the general public and not bully people into accepting the procedures as infallible

Experts don't agree in many cases
It would be hard in my opinion for an expert to see the Democrats silence as anything less than ignorance to the voting system

Should ignorant representatives be in charge?
Now is the time to educate yourself if you aren't already

The same goes for the Republicans

I'm not taking sides here, just that the Democrats don't feel like they want to continue getting to the bottom of it
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