I’ve been mulling over how hurt some of my Black friends are from seeing how quickly a large sum of donations was raised in retaliation of the STR Association’s contribution to the @URHMPEI.

I couldn’t connect their anger to what I understood as a good cause.
#PEI #PEIpoli

At first, all I could think was: aren’t BIPOC communities disproportionately affected by rent increases caused by STRs? Isn’t this a good thing? Won’t BIPOC communities also benefit from the food bank donations?

But it’s fundamental to realize that two truths exist here.

1) Yes, raising money for the food bank is good and will benefit so many people. And yes, coming together to bring attention to the harm caused by STRs is important.

2) Yes, white complacency is evident when comparing the timelines and totals between these two campaigns.

The #BlackLivesMatter movement is not new, but since George Floyd’s murder in June it has resonated globally and (white) people are finally waking up to the racial atrocities caused by systemic racism and white supremacy.

#PEI must continue to actively engage.

Considering these two truths, it’s absolutely necessary to prioritize the truth that has been historically undervalued.
My Black friends are completely valid in their anger. Where is the urgency to financially support our BIPOC communities? Do we need to act out of spite?

A solution is to consider including #reparations in our fundraising politics.
For example, I donated $20 to the UPHMPEI - I could have split that donation and sent half of it to BIPOC USHR. Or, if financially able, match your donation to an org that directly supports BIPOC.

This is a practice that we all need to engage in, we live in a complex and nuanced world. Participating in the Anti-STR campaign is good, but imagine how much financial support could’ve gone to underrepresented communities if we considered reparations when donating.

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