The ill tempered turn of today’s events illustrates one of the reasons FTA/no FTA is important. It matters economically but it will also set the tone for the relationship to come. There is no escaping each other, the UK and EU will spend years negotiating all sorts of things.
In the immediate future that includes the details of the Joint Committee. At least some of the agreement ministers hailed yesterday will require goodwill if it is to function. Much is still to be negotiated, given that decisions significant elements (eg on food) were deferred.
idea of goodwill and a lot of that resting the outcome of the FTA was something I heard again and again in Northern Ireland yday. As ever, Westminster can’t divorce the wider Brexit process from the process in NI- a lesson which has (should have been) hard learned.
If you’d like to watch the report from me and @jackcevans on Northern Ireland from last night’s @BBCNewsnight, you can watch it here.
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