Addressing the concerns and ensuring widespread use and compliance of vaccines means that we will require an unprecedented level of communication between federal agencies and the American people. 2/12
It is imperative to effectively message and build the public’s confidence in the #COVID19 vaccine. Overcoming vaccine hesitancy is no small task in the current political and cultural climate. 3/12
We must not minimize the pervasive aspects of anti-vaccine messaging across the internet, including social media and e-commerce platforms. Their origins are diverse and include dedicated anti-vaccine organizations, political extremist groups. 4/12
Currently, Operation Warp Speed relies predominantly on pharmaceutical companies to lead communications on the status of their vaccine trials. That will not be sufficient to counter anti-vaccination messages on the internet.5/12
It is increasingly clear that the American public will need to hear public health information about vaccines from trusted organizations of the US Government and at frequent intervals. 6/12
A growing body of scientific literature tells us that Covid-19 disproportionally affects minorities in the US. A plan tailored to meet the challenges of ensuring vaccine access for these communities is imperative. 7/12
Need to monitor the capacity of healthcare systems to deliver vaccines to everyone by surveying for local health departments to assess their vaccine-delivery readiness. 8/12
Safety and efficacy of each vaccine must be paramount. Possible side effects or adverse reactions to vaccinations need to be tracked and monitored. 9/12
Vaccines do not save lives. Vaccinations save lives. A vaccine dose that remains in the vial is zero percent effective, no matter the results of the clinical trials. 10/12
It is imperative and essential to monitor the uptake of the vaccine. We have a collective obligation to understand who is taking it, who is not, and address these gaps. 11/12
We are facing an aggressive anti-vaccine disinformation campaign. The concept of medical freedom is, quite simply, as fake as it is dangerous. 12/12
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