I had read one too many articles about very privileged families bored/struggling in pandemic despite having a 9000 sqft home, a pool, a butler etc, and just wanted to hear about normal people doing normal things to make pandemic ok. So I tweeted this. https://twitter.com/KendraWrites/status/1302473584942739456?s=20
And man, y'all delivered. I got so many ideas! and one of the people who responded was @artwormsbrown that's how I learned about her pandemic art museum - The Ryland Museum of San Jose https://www.artwormsbrown.com/about-museum 
And then @gregswan slid into my DMs and was like I take my kids on socially distant road trips, I saw this video and found myself intensely jealous of like a 10 year old.
And then I wondered like WHY. Why were these people able to do intensely creative things during a pandemic. And I did what my nerd self does which is I dug into the literature and learned that in some ways I was asking the wrong question.
It's not why they were creative - its why other people aren't. Why is it that some people can't stop themselves from like going to bars and restaurants?
all of which is me going to issue my contrarian pandemic take: sometimes twitter is good.
But yes I still want to hear the fun things you are safely doing during pandemic. I doubt I'll turn them into a story (I have a day job and all) but I might steal them for my own fun!
You can follow @KendraWrites.
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