When I was a kid I loved Rush Limbaugh. The whole shtick. "Feminazis" and the sound of chainsaws felling trees when talking about those crazy environmentalists. After a while I realized he was often entertaining, but he was rarely telling the truth and almost never fair. 1/9
As I got some distance I came to understand that his appeal was pretty basic. His message is: YOU are smart and good. OTHER PEOPLE are stupid and evil. Then he would set out to prove it, largely by misrepresenting others and glossing over any issue related to "my" in group. 2/9
And while Rush has built a reputation as a thinker, that's a complete smokescreen... he tells people straight out that he's not looking for his fans to be thinkers (they are literally called "Dittoheads"). 3/9
As is common with public personalities who spend hours a day talking, we have a LOT of insights into what Rush thinks. He's anti-feminist, anti-LGBT, anti-Black and yes, he even suggested that Michael J. Fox was exaggerating his Parkinson's so he could raise more money. 4/9
So what am I saying? That I am smart and Rush is stupid and evil?

No. I guess I'm saying that Rush is someone who has monetized unthinking division in our society. 5/9
So when Rush says we're on the cusp of Civil War because Conservatives and Liberals can't get along, I think we should probably acknowledge that (a) Rush makes his money by stoking that division and (b) his entire show is about saying things that will get us to look at him. 6/9
This is the guy who said the Christchurch shootings might have been a "false flag" operation where the shooter was a liberal pretending to be a right winger because liberals "are this crazy." He's not someone we should expect to give cogent takes on current events. 7/9
Can liberals and conservatives get along? OF COURSE. Most of us have people we deeply love on the opposite side of the aisle. We KNOW those are good people. Maybe if we paid more attention to our own experience and less to voices like Rush's we'd have a better chance. 8/9
In conclusion, I'll say this: Rush is in the midst of a battle with terminal lung cancer. I wish him and his family, friends, and fans peace during this difficult time. 9/9
P.S. I am a feminist, pro-LGBT, pro-Black and yes, pro-Michael J. Fox. And I don't hate Rush or wish bad things on him. I hope he finds healing and peace in the time that remains to him.
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