I, like us all, have a few thoughts after the Leipzig game regarding our situation. In any case, if one didn't want the manager to leave before the game I don't think the fact we lost is a good enough reason to change one's stance.

There are definite problems in our strategy and tactical setups — often exaggerated but equally denied. Likewise, I think some of Solskjær's decisions should be better. If one thinks he's reached his ceiling with the team then I can understand wanting to replace him.

However, I don't think us being eliminated from a group we weren't expected to qualify from is a good enough reason; it came down to almost the last kick of the final game and sacking a manager should almost always be based on long term issues.

There are good arguments for and against Solskjær remaining but they are all long term arguments. I think fans need to turn to and stick with those reasons and not overreact to single-game results regardless of whether we win or lose.

I've always held the view that a manager should stay unless:

1) the situation becomes dire (e.g. José's third season sadly)

2) long term issues aren't getting reliably better despite chances

3) a much better and suitable manager is available and could go elsewhere

I usually prioritise my reasons in that order i.e. if it isn't 1 then is it 2? If it isn't 2 then is it 3? As of now, I don't think Solskjær has reached his ceiling but I do doubt some of his methodologies in arriving there. Despite that, I don't think he should leave.

However, I do appreciate that the situation could stagnate or become regressive. If this occurs and he, with multiple chances, can't fix it in a reliable manner then it would be best for him to leave. Likewise, I do think Pochettino's situation should be monitored.

I think we need to return to principles and not base whole viewpoints on single-game results. Regardless of whether you want Solskjær to leave or remain — [insert ‘Brexit’ joke] — I think reasons based on the long term should always be cited as the primary reasons.

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